Product Category: Indoor
Netvox RA0716
Decentlab DL-PM-001
This device requires both battery and external power to operate.
Fab Lab BCN Smart Citizen Kit
Users must create an enclosure if they wish to use this device for extended outdoor monitoring.
Kaiterra Sensedge SE-100
Factory-calibrated sensors can be swapped into a device if new sensor is needed.
Kaiterra Sensedge Mini SE-200
Factory-calibrated sensors can be swapped into a device if new sensor is needed.
Davis Instruments Airlink
Can be paired with the Davis Instruments weather station. Optional device cover is available for outdoor use.
Ecomesure EcomLite 2
Price is for base model with PM sensor.
Ecomesure Ecomzen 2
Indicative price is for base model with PM and NO2 sensors. Devices are customisable with the option to choose up to 6 sensors per unit. Sensors can be replaced.
PurpleAir Zen
PurpleAir Flex
Also known as PA-II-FLEX. Users can replace the particular matter (PM) sensors on this device. This product does not come with a power adaptor.
IQAir AirVisual Pro (Indoor)
Habitat Map AirBeam3
A weather-resistant monitor that can be used for stationary or mobile applications.
Air Quality Egg
By Wicked Device. Units for this curriculum-oriented product are available on a subscription basis. Indicative price is for 2 years’ subscription for the base 2022 model with PM and NO2 sensors (buyers can choose from a variety of additional sensor types). Organisational subscriptions available. Indoor and outdoor versions available.
Dylos 1700PM
Dylos DC1100 Pro
Airthinx IAQ
The indicative price for this device includes 3 years’ subscription for data.
Purple Air Classic
Also known as PA-II.
PurpleAir Touch Indoor